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Ajmera, Param - My research interests include Early American Studies, Postcolonial Theory, and Digital Humanities. I teach at Brooklyn College.
Akant, Sara Deniz - poet everywhere
Albracht, Lindsey - Lindsey Albracht is a PhD candidate at The Graduate Center. She received her BA in Communication Studies with a minor in English from Southwestern University, and an MA in English from Duquesne University. She has worked as an English as a Second Language instructor, a […]
Andelman, Michelle - Michelle Andelman is a Ph.D. candidate in English at CUNY Graduate Center. She holds an M.A. in English and American Literature from NYU, and a B.F.A in Dramatic Writing from NYU-Tisch. Her dissertation focuses on contemporary dystopian literature for children and young adults. Her other […]
Aplaca, Jacob - Jacob is a PhD student in the English program at the GC and a teaching fellow at Hunter College. His current research focuses on figurations of queer loss and melancholia in 20th and 21st-century literatures. In his spare time, he indulges in writing bad poetry, […]
Arguelles, William - William Arguelles is a doctoral student here in the English department, working on Medieval Literature, History, and Women and Gender Studies. His research specifically looks into the relationship between Gender and Government in later Medieval England, as represented in historical and literary sources, with a […]
Ashton, Hilarie - I’m so happy to be part of the CUNY community! It allows me to pursue simultaneous work in American Studies and composition/rhetoric from within an English department. I’m writing my dissertation on Sixties girl groups and how, via rhetoric, embodied experience, homage, and appropriation, they influenced White […]
Atkin, Miriam - Miriam Atkin was born in Buffalo, New York. She has an MFA in Art Criticism & Writing from the School of Visual Arts. Her current doctoral work at CUNY Graduate Center focuses upon 19th and 20th century American poetics. Her writing has been published by […]
Atterbury, Daisy - Daisy Atterbury is a doctoral student in English at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Her current research is in queer/feminist approaches to twentieth-century American poetry. For the last five years she has co-directed an annual seminar series in poetics study in northern New Mexico. She recently […]
Ayaz, Onur - figuring it out
Bailey, Austin - Austin is a PhD candidate in English at the CUNY Grad Center and an adjunct instructor of American Literature at Hunter College. My interests are in the intersections between philosophy and literature. In particular, I am interested in Ralph Waldo Emerson, the evolution from transcendentalism […]
Bailey, Lauren - Lauren is a third year doctoral student in the CUNY Grad Center English program. She teaches at Queens College and next school year will be the Assistant to the Directors of the First Year Writing Program. She also recently completed an archival research fellowship at […]
Baldwin, Zebulah - I am interested in 20th Century British and American literature, African-American texts and music, post-war politics and culture, culture studies, postcolonial writings, and critical theory. I teach at Hunter College.
Barnes, Madeleine - Madeleine is a writer and visual artist pursuing a PhD in English Literature at The Graduate Center, CUNY. She works primarily at the intersection of poetry and material culture in postwar Poland. She is a Climate Action Lab fellow and editor at Cordella Magazine.
Belknap, Joshua -
Bernstein, Dainy - pronouns: they/them I study ideologies of childhood and education, in medieval and contemporary literature. My dissertation examines Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jewish children’s literature and education of the late twentieth century. I also work on ideologies of childhood and education in medieval British texts and medieval Hebrew […]
Bettendorf, Genevieve - I’m a PhD student in English at the GC and a GTF at Lehman College. My scholarship falls into two broad categories: (1) contemporary American fiction and (2) visual literatures and mainstream and alt-right Internet memes. I’m also an enthusiastic first-year composition pedagogue. I relish […]
Bhattacharya, Shoumik -
Bolin, Jane -
Boyton, E. Jane -
Brostoff, Marissa -
Calado, Filipa - Filipa Calado is a doctoral candidate in the English program at the Graduate Center. She focuses on queer memoirs and compositional writing, theories of cognition and aesthetics, and digital methodologies. Currently, she is interested in conversations about digital methods and hermeneutics, especially those that engage […]
Campanioni, Chris - My main research focus is Literature of the Americas and Postcolonialism, with an emphasis on Turn-of-the-century and Postwar Cultural Studies, engaging in research related to fragmentation and a culture of commodities, and tracing the literature of the Americas from Modernism to the Latin American Boom. […]
Camponovo, William - New York School of Poetry and Poetics. Ashbery and Notley.
Carpenter, Chris - I’m interested in contemporary American literature and culture, political economy, theories of the novel, and science fiction. My current work tries to conceptualize financial capitalism as a cultural logic, an historically specific mode of experiencing and interpreting the present. I’m looking primarily at contemporary novels, […]
Chinitz, Michele - Research interests: 20th- and 21st-century anglophone literature; transnational modernisms; postcolonial studies; literature and the arts; affect and aesthetics; history of the novel. My current research focuses on mediations of nationalism through music in twentieth- and twenty-first-century fictions. My teaching more broadly explores links between aesthetic […]
Choe, Soojung - Soojung Choe received her MA in English and BS in Physics from Seoul National University, South Korea. Her research interests include High and late medieval English literature (particularly romance and travel writing) and gender, sexuality, and queer studies with emphasis on masculinities. She is also […]
Douglass, Allison - Allison teaches at Queens College and is a doctoral student in English at the Graduate Center, CUNY, focusing on mid-20th century American rhetorics, culture, and performance. She earned her B.A. at Vassar College in English and Drama and her M.A. in English at Midwestern State University. […]
Eickmeyer, Kate - Kate Eickmeyer is a PhD candidate in English. She has a BA from Vassar College and a JD from Harvard Law School, and has returned to academia after time spent working as a corporate and entertainment attorney and in animal rights nonprofits. Her primary interest […]
Eldridge, Laura -
Engh, Catherine - Catherine is a doctoral student who works at the intersection of Enlightenment philosophy and British Romanticism. Her dissertation is titled “Innate Sensibilities: British Romanticism and the Problem of Natural Development.” Here, she argues that Romantic claims for the ameliorative value of works that express human […]
Fleetwood, Kristi - I’m a fourth-year PhD student at the Graduate Center. I’m primarily interested in concepts of girlhood across young adult literature and comics and the ways friendship can play a significant role in girlhood.
Frisbie, Chad - Chad Frisbie focuses on queer theory, posthumanism, cognitive disability, and critical archive studies. He is currently developing a project that claims hoarding as a queer form of archiving. Chad is also a Lost & Found Archival Research Fellow writing on the archives of 20th and […]
Fullan, Rebecca -
Gold, Sam - Sam Gold is a first year doctoral student at CUNY Graduate Center. He holds an M.A. and B.A. in English and American Literature from NYU. He grew up in New Jersey.
Gonsalez, Marcos S. - Marcos is a first year doctoral student, whose interests are strongly centered around minority and ethnic twentieth and contemporary American literature, with an emphasis in Latin@/o and Asian American experiences, diasporas, and writings.
Graves, Seth - My current work revisits Deborah Brandt’s notion of “sponsors of literacy” to consider power dynamics associated with the spread of digital literacy and the existence of domestic and international digital divides. Further work includes activist pedagogy and activist literacies, intellectual history of the 1980s, and […]
Greco, Robert - Studying Composition and Rhetoric with a focus on Writing Program Administration, Composition Pedagogy, and Digital Pedagogy.
Greene, Amelia -
Hammes, Aaron - After three MAs and teetering on the brink of finishing doctoral studies in Chicago, it’s high time to get it done at CUNY, particularly in light of the glut of well-paid, tenure-track positions awaiting in the American Academy.
Hebert, Paul - Paul is a doctoral candidate in the English Program at the Graduate Center, CUNY. Paul’s dissertation explores early nineteenth-century maritime literature and popular culture. Paul teaches at Queens College. His courses have included 19th-Century American Literature, Great Works of American Literature , Literary History, Literary […]
Hildebrand, Sarah - Sarah Hildebrand received her M.A. in English from the University of Washington – Seattle and B.A.s in Literature and Spanish from Ramapo College of New Jersey. She teaches at Lehman College and in John Jay College’s Prison-to-College Pipeline Program. Sarah conducts research on literary trauma […]
Jacobs, Sarah Ruth - I am a doctoral candidate writing my dissertation on the impact of new media on literary form and literary reading. I am currently adjuncting at the City College of Technology. I have also completed the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program at the GC and serve as […]
Jaime Shearn Coan - Jaime Shearn Coan is a PhD Candidate in English focusing on live performance and writing from the 1980s onward, with an emphasis on queer work that emerged during the early years of the AIDS epidemic. He currently serves as a Mellon Public Humanities Fellow at The Center […]
James, Patrick Clement -
Karlin, Jojo - After years working as an actress, Jojo decided to hone her skills of perception by more academic means. She focuses on the methods and anxieties of memory following rapid periods of technological transformation. How do machines change how and why we remember–how and why we […]
Kennedy, Sean M. - A former journalist, Sean M. Kennedy investigates questions of global political economy, decolonization, and cultural and media form—the overarching contexts of his dissertation on global gangster culture and settler-colonial/postcolonial rule of law. He’s also a longtime coordinator for the CUNY Adjunct Project. For more information:
Kotler, Margot - I’m a second-year doctoral student in the English program at the GC and I teach at Queens College. I received my BA in English and Women’s and Gender Studies from Rutgers University and my MA in English and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from Brandeis […]
Levinson, Meira - I research & write about Jewish, children’s, and speculative literatures. My dissertation focuses on the Jewish fantastic in post-WWII poetics, graphic novels, and children’s literature; it is part of a broader project exploring religion and fantasy in children’s literature 19th c.–contemporary.
Lewis, Christian - I am a Victorianist and focus on the intersections of disability, gender, sexuality. I teach at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. I’m also interested in performance studies and in addition to being a graduate student, I am a professional theater critic. I received my […]
Mackenzie, Alyssa - Alyssa is a doctoral candidate in the English program at the Graduate Center, where she works on British modernism, Victorian literature, and gender, with further interests in periodical culture and detective fiction. She is a former adjunct instruct at Queens College, and spent the 2014-15 academic […]
Magnet, Alec - Alec Magnet’s dissertation, “Hungry Reading, Gothic Writing: The Reparative Gothic in Melville and Tennyson,” explores how those and other American and British writers of the long nineteenth century incorporate gothic conventions into their writing in order to represent relationships of aesthetic and emotional attachment to […]
Maye, Dadland - Dadland is a doctoral candidate in the English Dept. at the CUNY Graduate Center. He also teaches at John Jay College.
Morello, Stefano - Stefano Morello is a fourth-year doctoral candidate in English. He holds an M.A. in American Literature from the University of Naples “L’Orientale” and an M.A. in American Studies from the University of Torino. His academic interests include American Studies, pop culture, poetics, queer theory and transnational […]
Myers, Elissa - My research and teaching interests are in nineteenth-century women authors, children’s literature, juvenilia and texts written by children, periodicals, needlework and other craft forms, and material culture. My most recently taught courses include a Literary History class entitled “Women’s Literary Traditions,” a Writing about Literature […]
Nelson, Bradley - Bradley is a first year Ph.D. student in English. He holds a B.A. in English from DePaul University and an M.A. in English from Brooklyn College. His research interests include 19th century American literature, Continental philosophy, mysticism, and pragmatism. When he’s not walking his dog […]
Nielsen, Jason - Jason Nielsen is generally interested in American literature, philosophy, and religious experience (Puritans to Enlightenment to Transcendentalism); the history of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic theory; and digital culture/history of the Internet. Currently he is attempting to think more about William James and his influence on or […]
Nolan, Sean - Sean Nolan is a first-year Ph.D. student. He holds a BA in English Literature from the University of Massachusetts, where he also completed a specialization in creative writing and a minor in Afro-American Studies.
Price, Emily - First-year doctoral student concentrating in medieval literature, manuscript studies, and mental health writing. B.A. Lewis & Clark College, 2018. Occasional fiction writer.
Rice-Evans, Jesse - Jesse Rice-Evans is a neuroqueer Southern poet researching intersections of language, disability, and digital culture. Read her work in The Wanderer, Peach Mag, Bad Pony, and Rag Queen Periodical, and in her forthcoming debut collection, The Uninhabitable (2019), from Sibling Rivalry Press. She teaches queer […]
Riemenschneider, Sophie - Sophie is a PhD student at the Graduate Center. Her research interests include trauma and memory studies, literature of 9/11, autobiography, and visual literature such as comics and memorials. She teaches at Queens College.
Rowe, Charles - I’m at work on a transatlantic dissertation project on the perceptual, ethical, and aesthetic dimensions of receptivity in the Romantic era (from William Cowper’s 1785 The Task to Walt Whitman’s 1855 Leaves of Grass).
Rumore, Micheal - Micheal Rumore is a second-year PhD student in English at CUNY Graduate Center and a Graduate Teaching Fellow at Lehman College. His current research focuses on theorizing the circulation of “world literature.” How do we account for the tension between conceptualizations of world literature as […]
Schwartz, Sarah - MA University of the Witwatersrand // BFA New York University queer theory / archive theory / modernisms / queer & women’s writing / empire studies / the speculative
Sibley, Destry Maria - Destry Maria Sibley is a writer, media producer, and educator, and a PhD student in English. Previously she was a 2017-2018 Fulbright-National Geographic Digital Storyteller. Destry is at work on a bilingual audio documentary series dedicated to Los Niños de Morelia, a group of child refugees […]
Slepov, Eugene - I arrive with a MA in TESOL. As an English student, I am fascinated by all aspects of 18th century British, American, and World literature.
Smyth, Patrick - Patrick Smyth is a Ph.D. student in English and Advisor to the MA Program in Digital Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY. He is a developer for DH Box, an NEH-funded project to make the digital humanities more widely accessible, and recently led curriculum design […]
Sprauve, Chy -
Sukhadia, Queenie - Queenie Sukhadia is a first-year PhD student at the Graduate Center. She received her BA in Psychology and English (with high honors) from Dartmouth College, and an MA (with distinction) from Georgetown University. Her research interests lie in the representations of body and mind in […]
Sunseri, Sophia Natasha - Sophia Natasha Sunseri is a first year doctoral student at the Graduate Centre, where she studies eighteenth-century British literature. She holds an MA in Comparative Literature from the University of Toronto, an MFA in Poetry from the New School University, and a BA in English […]
Tracy, Ryan - Ryan Tracy holds degrees in Music Composition and Gender Studies. He is a first-year PhD student currently focusing on the concept of narcissism in social, psychoanalytic, political, literary and queer theories. Ryan has written about performance for The American Reader, The New York Press, The […]
Unni, Labanya - I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in English at Delhi University, India, followed by an M.Phil at the end of which I submitted a dissertation where I studied certain formal aspects of the anti-novel – mainly G.V. Desani’s All About H.Hatterr, and secondarily Tristram […]
Vera, Ryan - My research is currently focused on “the-condition-of-England” novel and “middle-class” and “bourgeoisie” Victorian writers’ portrayal of the poor, and their depiction of mill and factory towns and sanitation conditions in Victorian England. I am also interested in the [alleged] paternalism displayed by such Victorian “condition-of-England” writers. […]
Wagner, Sydnee - Sydnee Wagner is an English PhD student at The Graduate Center, CUNY, focusing on early modern literature. Her research interests include critical race theory, gender and sexuality studies, affect theory, and biopolitics, all of which influence her dissertation project on the figure of the Gypsy […]
Yates, Robert - My research focuses on early modern literature and culture, with particular focus on drama, religion, gender, and sexuality. I am also interested in critical university studies and teaching.
Zeemont, Anna - English PhD Student at CUNY Grad Center // Concentration in Rhetoric & Composition BA from Oberlin College in English and Biology, 2013 Interests: pedagogy, writing across the disciplines, cultural studies, literacy, ecocriticsm, metafiction