ESA Agenda 11/15


  1. Introductions and committee reports
  2. Faculty-student revels event scheduled for December 9th. We are soliciting volunteers to help us with food and decorating.
  3. We’ve finally updated the ESA boards, now we need you to post information, either about conferences of interest, or about meetings.
  4. Elections for Grad Council proceeding, thanks to Kristi and Sarah.
  5. Next ESA Happy hour scheduled for Thursday, December 1st at Drop Off Service. (where it was last time)


  1. The list of external grants and fellowships is now live on the ESA site, thanks to Danica, Duncan and the website committee. Because there seems to be a theme-based limit on the number of items that can go on the primary menu on the homepage of the ESA commons site, there is consideration of removing the ‘Home’ Tab  and replacing it with a special tab for the new ‘Grants and Fellowships’ doc. The ‘home’ tab is a bit superfluous, since the giant ESA logo right above brings the user home. Can we give the go ahead for this?
  2. We would like to propose a ‘holiday’ themed revels event. Does anyone have any objections? Better ideas? How can we make this event inclusive? What ideas do people have about possible party activities? Some ideas we had: a dorky holiday sweater competition, aloud readings of ‘holiday’ themed texts.
  3. A collective booze fund? As in: those who would like to drink would donate ten dollars to a ‘revels booze fund’ and then Catherine and Elissa and whoever else volunteers to help would go buy as much inexpensive alcohol as possible (as in, Trader Joe’s wine and cheap beer) with the collected funds.


  1. Do we want to save some of the DSC budget money that we can’t spend on alcohol (say, 300 dollars) to donate to a good cause in the wake of this election? Like, to support Planned Parenthood, Southern Poverty Law Center, and the ACLU? Or do we want to spend it all on food and decorations for revels? 

PP: …