Links for Job/Postdoc Posts

If you are going on the market, make sure you take advantage of the GC’s waiver for using Interfolio! ( Interfolio is a dossier service that helps you organize, collect, and send out materials for your job/postdoc applications. It is most helpful in terms of letters of recommendation. Ask your letter writers to upload once and then you can keep track on sending them out, rather than troubling your writers to send out a letter for each and every single one of your apps.

The following are some links that update job postings. For months, I’ve kept them open as separate tabs all under one window. Make sure to check with peers and mentors working specifically in your period/field(s) of interest. In general, there will be separate specialized resources/webpages/listservs that gather those specific posts.

Lastly, make sure to keep organized!! You will be combing through many lists and hopefully seeing many viable posts. Start compiling an Excel spreadsheet. Keep track of the deadlines, the requirements needed for each, and remember to jot down the link so that you can find the post easily again.



HigherEd Jobs [best for updating English and Literature in between MLA updates]:


MLA (English):

The MLA Job list becomes available by a certain date (usually around early September, I think). To clarify: the MLA list does not ‘drop’ a huge database of job/fellowship opportunities at once. If you have been checking the other sites here, chances are that the initial search of the MLA list will not yield many new results. There will be some, but not necessarily a whole lot. Instead, MLA lists are updated every Friday (check later in the afternoon). Sometimes, English job posts do appear first on MLA before eventually popping up on the other sites.


The next three websites also offer great up-to-date lists on English websites. I leave them unsorted and just scroll through the list, since there are sometimes posts outside of English that make sense for me to apply, such as ethnic studies, gender and sexuality studies, American studies, etc.


Chronicle Vitae (unsorted–all Humanities jobs):


H-Net featured jobs (unsorted–all disciplines):


H-Net postdocs (unsorted):


Academic Jobs Onlines (unsorted–all disciplines):—-40-p




Ethnic Studies specific jobs:


Gender & Sexuality Studies specific jobs: