2010-2011 ESA Committee Members

ESA Co-Chairs
Jennifer Mitchell
Joost Burger
Admissions & Financial Aid
Angela Francis
Helena Ribeiro
Kiran Mascarhenas
Maggie Galvan
Alumni Committee
Jill Belli
Linda Neiberg
Course Assessment
Anne Donlan
Joost Burger
Robert Mochado
Tahneer Oksman
Ben Miller
Kate Broad
Ben Miller
Louis Bury
Emily Sherwood
Kate Broad
Mark Sussman
Mia Chen
Faculty Membership
Angela Francis
Mia Chen
Emily Stanback
Jesse Schwartz
John Harkey
Louis Bury
Dominique Zino
Mark Sussman
Nichole Stanford
Szidonia Haragos
Alison Klein
Amanda Springs
James Arnett
Molly Pulda
Zach Samalin
Jesse Merandy
ESA Conference
Food! The Conference!
Co-Chairs: Alec Magnet & Jennifer Little
Resolution One: Passed.
Be it resolved that, the Elections Committee shall retain a record of all election results, including the number of votes received by each nominee. In the event of there being fewer than mandated members (due to resignation or vicissitudes), the nominee with the next highest number of votes shall fill the empty seat(s). If there are no other nominees on the ballot, and there are fewer than mandated members, the remaining committee members can appoint a replacement at their discretion until the next annual election. In the case of ESA CoChair and Conference CoChair, the remaining cochair can appoint a replacement at their discretion. If both CoChairs resign, department-wide byelections shall be held.
Resolution Two: Passed
Section 4.2, Number of Co-Chairs, shall be amended to have the maximum number of Co-Chairs to be two.
Resolution Three: Passed
Cochairs may be nominated singly or in pairs. On the election ballot, nominees will run in pairs. Those nominated singly may choose a running mate but must run in a pair if they accept the nomination.  This means that a student of the English Department will cast only one vote for the position of co-chair instead of two.