This past week I went to the Student Tech Fee Committee meeting, and a few items came up that I think are of interest to English students:
1. There are 5 installations of a text mining software that can be used for qualitative and quantitative textual analysis called QDA Miner with WordStat and Simstat in room 5487 at the Grad Center. The IT person at the meeting said that it has only been used ONCE, and so if we want to keep it we need to use it. Also, if you decide to look at this program, be aware that it’s not installed on all computers in 5487–only those with paper notes attached to the monitors which name the software company Provalis. And then, when you open the program, there are notifications asking you to register or enter a key–these can be ignored by clicking on the “Later” button. I went and looked at the program, and I don’t see myself using it, but I would encourage anyone interested to check it out and report back by commenting below.
2. The best list of available software at the Grad Center that I am aware of is here: (ignore the “For most up to date list” link). However, via email the IT Dept has said that they are updating their own list–so if I hear anything more I will update this post in the comments below.
3. Please be aware that you can use some premium software (like SPSS for example) for free on your home computer by downloading citrix:
4. Finally, if you have any recommendations/requests for software or library databases (that aren’t already available at NYPL), feel free to comment below and I’ll pass the info along to the folks at the library or IT (or you can contact them directly).
The GC Library and IT Dept can be found on Facebook and Twitter. Likewise, the ESA is on Facebook.
I am the one person who has used QDA Miner with WordStat, and I would be happy to share my experience with anyone who is interested in text mining.
Some recent GC Tech info can be found here, including past student tech free info, as well: