Smyth, Patrick

Headshot of Patrick looking pretty awesome

Advisor to the MA Program in Digital Humanities


patrick smyth [email protected] (remove spaces)

Patrick Smyth is a Ph.D. student in English and Advisor to the MA Program in Digital Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY. He is a developer for DH Box, an NEH-funded project to make the digital humanities more widely accessible, and recently led curriculum design for the Digital Research Institute, a week-long intensive course in digital methods at the Graduate Center. Patrick works at the intersection of the digital humanities, disability studies, and the public humanities. Two of his recent projects include the NEH Impact Index and Eloud, a screen reader written in the Lisp programming language. His thesis project is Negotiated Access, an argument on the need for citizen technology to express and preserve community values. Patrick is a former Fulbright Fellow, and has taught at Queens College.

Curriculum Vitae
CUNY Academic Commons