Rodriguez, Lara

PhD Student
Institutional Affiliations: CUNY Graduate Center
Research Interests: Contemporary Literature, Critical Race Studies, Feminist Theory, Poetry, Queer Studies, Visual Culture
Dissertation: The Strains of Confessional Poetry: The Burdens, Blunders, and Blights of Self-Disclosure
Supervisor: W.Koestenbaum
Committee: N.K.Miller, M.A. Caws
Lara Rossana Rodriguez (also known as Lara Mimosa Montes) has poems and essays appearing in Fence, Triple Canopy, BOMB, The Third Rail, and elsewhere. She is basically done writing her dissertation, “The Strains of Confessional Poetry: The Burdens, Blunders, and Blights of Self-Disclosure.” Her first book, The Somnambulist, is forthcoming from Horse Less Press. She was born in the Bronx.