Andrzejewski, Alicia


PhD Student, Adjunct, Co-Organizer of the Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance


[email protected]

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ALICIA ANDRZEJEWSKI received a PhD from the English program at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She holds an MA from Appalachian State University. Her research focuses on representations of pregnancy and fertility control in early modern drama, bringing together feminist, queer, and affect theory in order to work through how “failed” pregnancies were and are imagined and understood. She is also a contributing writer for Medical and Health Humanities and Visible Pedagogy and her essay, “Blue Roses and Other Queer Energies in Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie,” was recently published in The Tennessee Williams Annual Review.


“‘For her sake’: Queer Pregnancy in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.Shakespeare Studies, forthcoming 2019.

“Hippolyta.” A Dictionary of Shakespeare’s Classical Mythology, forthcoming.

“Blue Roses and Other Queer Energies in Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie.” Tennessee Williams Annual Review, vol. 16. 36-56. 2017.


Contributing Writer, Medical and Health Humanities: A Department Without Walls (Fall 2017 – Present)

Contributing Writer, Visible Pedagogies (Summer 2017 – Present)

 Contributing Writer, Writing Across the Curriculum at City Tech (Fall 2016 – Present)


“‘For her sake’: Queer Pregnancy in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” NextGenPlen Panel. Shakespeare Association of America Annual Conference. Los Angeles, CA. March 2018.

“Denotation and Connotation: How Language Shapes Lived Experience.” Townsend Harris High School Lecture Series. Queens, NY. April 2017.

“Queer Pregnancies in William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The Society for the Study of Women in the Renaissance. New York, NY. March 2016.