Number of Respondents: 4
Effectiveness of Course
How would you rate the organization of the course?
0 Below Average
0 Average
0 Good
4 Excellent
0 Other
To whom would you recommend this course?
4 Everyone
0 Any student curious about this topic
0 Students specializing in this area
0 Students preparing for comps
0 No one
How well did the course match your expectations from the description and follow the syllabus? explain if needed.
Respondent 1: Exceeded – this provided the momentum and ability to think about a broad range of topics I didn’t think I’d be able to.
Respondent 2: Yes, in every way the work was geared towards “professionalization” but also a working through and attention to the messy/unclear process of professionalization.
Respondent 3: Wonderfully – although the syllabus was somewhat flexible and adjusted to meet the particular needs of the students.
Respondent 4: Very well – and exceeded my hopes in terms of providing a grounding for so many different aspects of professional development.
Use of Class Time
On average, the instructor spent most time on:
0 Lecture
4 Class discussion
0 Student presentations
On average, the instructor spent most time on:
3 Lecture
0 Class discussion
1 Student presentations
Circle here if course time was evenly distributed among the previous choices.
How would you rate the professor’s ability to use class time in an interesting and generative manner?
0 Below Average
0 Average
0 Good
4 Excellent
0 Other
Comment on the use of class time in this course.
Respondent 1: Great balance between lecture and discussion facilitation.
Respondent 2: Well balanced between discussions “advice” etc.
Respondent 3: Robust discussion – each student was given an opportunity to address his or her work and concerns; brief but robust mini-lectures.
Respondent 4: We spent some time on readings and discussion of the week’s topic and some time on individual work/projects each week.
Describe the professor’s methodological, theoretical, or critical approaches emphasized in the course:
No responses
Rate the professor’s ability to alert students to developments in recent scholarship and refer them to unexplored areas of research:
0 Below Average
0 Average
0 Good
4 Excellent
1 Other : (comment) Her ability to help us continually think through and articulate our own projects was exceptional.
Availability and Evaluation
How responsive was the instructor to course work and conferences:
0 Not very
0 Acceptably
4 Very
Comment on the professor’s ability to include the perspectives or achievements of people traditionally excluded from the cannon (e.g. racial minorities, ethnic minorities, women, disabled people, those who challenge heteronormativity and gender conformity):
Respondent 1: Very good.
Respondent 2: Excellent, especially considering — – Critiquing and attending to different experiences in academia and the professionalization process.
Respondent 3: Very thorough – attention was paid to a variety of perspectives.
Respondent 4: Excellent – this brought a lot to a less-traditional way of thinking about the academy/readings
Please use the space below to give further written evaluation of the course or to expand on any of the comments above:
Respondent 1: This class really should be mandatory for all students in some capacity – or at least a series of workshops.
Respondent 2: If this course is taught again, I would suggest that Kandice’s materials/syllabus are at least incorporated/considered – if it’s not Kandice teaching.
Respondent 3: This was a truly excellent and enormously productive guide to the profession. I think some version of this course would be beneficial to every student in the program, although the small class size and Kandice’s particular approach were among its greatest strengths.
Respondent 4: I believe that everyone in the program should take this course. It offered practical and unorthadox ways of understanding the path onward in professional English Literature Scholarship.