American Masculinities (Due: 6/1/2013)

The New York Metro American Studies Association’s Annual Conference provides a dynamic forum for area scholars, while attracting presenters nationally. NYMASA announces a call for papers for our 2013 annual one-day conference:


Date: November 2, 2013

Location and Sponsor: Pace University (Manhattan Campus)

The theme for this year’s conference explores the intersections of U.S. concepts of masculinity, manhood, and maleness.  This query feels particularly relevant to American studies as definitions of masculinity have been foundational to American ideology and identities since its inception. For this reason, contested and contesting challenges to masculinity have signaled major shifts in American society, opening new spaces for gendering practices.

In imagining this conference, we invite participants to engage with any of the following issues (or any other these topic inspires):

  • Founding fathers
  • Emersonian men
  • Radical men
  • Men in power
  • Masculinity and the marketplace
  • Technologies of gender
  • Military men
  • Female masculinities and feminine men
  • Emasculated men
  • Queer masculinities / Masculinity and queerness
  • Drag and performative gender
  • (Psycho) analyzing men and pathologized masculinity
  • Sports and gym culture
  • Race Men and other black masculinities
  • Ethnic masculinities
  • Feminist men and Reactionary manhood
  • Male desires
  • Paternalism and paternity
  • Fraternalism and fraternities
  • Lad Lit and Guy Movies
  • Pedagogy of masculinities
  • Becoming men: coming of age and transgender men
  • Boyhood
  • Laboring men
  • Traveling men: cowboys, frontiersman, sailors, and salesman
  • Medical men
  • Violence and men
  • Heroes and superheroes
  • Incarcerated men

We welcome papers on any historical period in American Studies, as well as 21st century topics.  We particularly encourage presentations that circulate across historical and disciplinary borders, presentations that are non-traditional in form, and presentations that incorporate performance and/or visual art.  While we welcome proposals on any element of American Studies, we will especially privilege presentations focusing on the New York area. Please note that we will accept abstracts for individual paper presentations only, not pre-constituted panels.

Please send abstracts of no more than 500 words to [email protected]by June 1, 2013.