Call for Papers for: “Community College and the Future of the Humanities” #humsCC

A National Conference Convened by LaGuardia Community College and
the Graduate Center, City University of New York

October 18 and 19, 2018

Community colleges are redefining the importance and centrality of the humanities to the lives

of the “new majority” of students, both during their academic careers and after graduation. To

explore and celebrate the role of humanities within community colleges and across the broader

landscape of higher education, the CUNY Humanities Alliance invites proposals from college

students, graduate students, faculty, and administrators for interactive sessions at “Community

College and the Future of Humanities” conference. We seek a wide diversity of voices,

perspectives and positions, and strongly encourage applications from scholars of color, people

with backgrounds historically underrepresented in the academy, and people with direct

experience in community colleges.

Please see attached flyer.

Humanities Alliance Conference CFP